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Brake restricter: What's inside?

To: Scott Tilton <>
Subject: Brake restricter: What's inside?
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 09:48:10 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
Message text written by Scott Tilton
>On this particular one, there wasn't anything inside the "restrictor."

Although it looks like there is room in there for some sort of spring or
or something.  

Whats supposed to be in there?  
Has mine already been gutted by a previous owner with the same issue?

Scott, this is called a "residual pressure valve" and it's job is to
maintain a modest amount of pressure on the calipers to avoid the dreaded
piston kickback.  Many folks, tired of servicing these things, remove the
internals and run direct without severe concequences.  In fact, later model
cars (eg: TR6) do not even have them.

The down side to this is that under certain circumstances the caliper
pistons can be pushed back into the calipers to the point that when you
first step on the brake the pedal will travel more than normal.  My TR6
does that after some hard cornering.  You may find this annoying or you may
find this disconcerting, or you may not even notice it.  But running
without it is certainly do-able.  You may want to give it a try.



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