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Re: insurance !@#$%@#$%

To: <>, "Jim Hill" <>, <>
Subject: Re: insurance !@#$%@#$%
From: "Gerald Van Vlack" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 19:11:54 -0400
References: <>
I've been watching this thread all day and it's my time to speak up. I did
follow the insurance guidelines and decided that I wanted to drive my car
more than was allowed. I changed my insurance to allow me to drive when I
want to without a concern as to the purpose of the drive. It does cost a
little more but well worth the avoidance of perpetrating a fraud, which the
last time I checked could get you some jail time. One of my close friends
and a member of this list is a retired Postal Inspector who investigated
Insurance Fraud and had an occasional story to tell about car collectors who
did illegal things with their insurance companies. Believe me when I say
they are serious, and anyone who advocates this type fraud (like I was just
driving to my mechanic) should be the first to be punished. Everyone's rates
go up because of just this attitude.
So that's my $.02 worth.
Jerry Van Vlack

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: insurance !@#$%@#$%

> ok by a show of hands how many of you follow the guidelines of the classic
> car insurance policy exactly as written??????????????hmmmm?

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