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RE: insurance !@#$%@#$%

To: <>
Subject: RE: insurance !@#$%@#$%
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 15:25:34 -0700
> ok by a show of hands how many of you follow the guidelines of
> the classic
> car insurance policy exactly as written??????????????hmmmm?

My Triumphs are all insured as daily drivers, because that's the way I use
them.  Oddly enough, my insurance company (Mercury) refused to believe that
my TR3A was my primary car, but since it lowered my overall insurance cost,
I didn't argue with them too much <g>

Full coverage for the TR3, with an $8000 cap on the value of the car (not
the same as agreed value), costs me $322/yr.  When/if it becomes worth more
than that, I'll go back and get the value raised, but I feel $8k is generous
for it's present condition.


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