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Re: tr6 electric fan conversion

To: Bill Pugh <>
Subject: Re: tr6 electric fan conversion
From: David Massey <>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 19:25:19 -0400
Cc: Joe Curry <>, Ed Quinn <>, autoX-Trumph List <>, "'Randall'" <>
Message text written by Bill Pugh
>My Hayden Fan has exactly the same intructions, and being stupid, 
after I installed it I jumpered the thermostat and put my hand down 
to feel the air flow, was a puller.  Of course if not, I 
would have just stupidly reversed the polarity and turned the blade 

Oh come on, Bill, just how stupid can you be?  You were smart enough to
drive a Triumph, aren't you?  You're smart enough to go to the VTR
convention, aren't you?  You're smart enough to no judge concours, aren't
you? (Man, I didn't get to see half the cars I wanted to)

Say high to Casper


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