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Re: First Start

To: "Justin Paxton" <>, "Triumph Newsletter" <>
Subject: Re: First Start
From: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 17:18:09 -0800
Cc: "Al Filipeli" <>, "J.T. Johnson" <>, "Hal Haenel" <>, "Justin Paxton" <>, "Steve Russo" <>, "John Keesee" <>, "Matt McCracken" <>, "Skip Kelsey" <>, "Dave Hyslop" <>, "Jim Potter" <>, "Sean Mason" <>, "Paul Baker" <>, "Ben Paxton" <>, "Tim Maher" <>, "Gary Peterson" <>, "Howie" <>, "Thorn" <>, "Pat Goldsmith" <>, "JP Ruggiero" <>, "Daniel Gamez" <>, "Jerry Hodges" <>, "Dave Moag" <>, "Justin Wagner" <>, "Michael Lai" <>, "Pat Davis" <>, "Tom Carr" <>
References: <>
I can give you 2 data points. 1. I can turn my TR3A engine over, with the
plugs in, by puting a little pressure on the fan belt and turning the fan.
No I'm not particularly strong.  2.  The last time I saw someone have a hard
time turning over an engine after a re-build they tried real hard to no
avail because they torqued the rod bearings to the main bearing specs.  they
ended up ruining a perfectly good crank.

So my advice, for what its worth, Don't force it!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin Paxton" <>
To: "Triumph Newsletter" <>
Cc: "Al Filipeli" <>; "J.T. Johnson"
<>; "Hal Haenel" <>;
"Justin Paxton" <>; "Steve Russo" <>;
"John Keesee" <>; "Matt McCracken" <>; "Skip
Kelsey" <>; "Dave Hyslop"
<>; "Jim Potter" <>; "Sean Mason"
<>; "Paul Baker" <>; "Ben Paxton"
<>; "Tim Maher" <>; "Gary Peterson"
<>; "Howie" <>; "Thorn"
<>; "Pat Goldsmith" <>; "JP Ruggiero"
<>; "Daniel Gamez" <>; "Jerry Hodges"
<>; "Dave Moag" <>; "Justin Wagner"
<>; "Michael Lai" <>; "Pat Davis"
<>; "Tom Carr" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 3:24 PM
Subject: First Start

> Well, the damn thing won't turn over.  At all.  I've tried breaker bar
> a socket on the front engine bolt, but it isn't exactly the most squared
> bolt I've ever seen.  The edges are all rounded off and I'm afraid that if
> continue to breaker bar my way into turning it over, I'm gonna round that
> puppy off so bad I won't ever be able to get it off.  I'm thinking of
> something that attaches to the bolts that hold the fan on.  Some square
> hunk-o-metal with holes drilled in it for the fan bolts and a big-ass bolt
> in the center I can really get some purchase on.  Any advice on this
> heartbreak.  I was so looking forward to starting it today.
> Thanks guys.
> -JP
> 59 TR3A TS42984 "Parts All Over the House"

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