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restoration record keeping

Subject: restoration record keeping
From: a Wallace <>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 08:46:32 -0500
I have thoughts on this, and they are - don't bother. Even more than money, 
these cars consume TIME. Time spent record keeping is time that could have 
been spent skinning your knuckles, or getting bits of rust in your eye, 
which is where the real enjoyment lies.
If you keep track of the hours worked, will you include the hours spent on 
spreadsheets keeping track of the hours worked?
Nah, don't bother. Yeah, it would be depressing. Keep focused on the car 
man! Don't keep track of anything! Always consider what the effects will be 
ten years from now:
a) You will be able to produce a number - for whose pleasure? or,
b) You will have had a bit more driving time.

Well, you asked for thoughts; there's my philosophy. Others no doubt enjoy 
the activities you describe, but not me.
Jim Wallace
(who can't get around to balancing a checkbook either)
any thoughts from the group about record keeping while doing a restoration?
I am experimenting with a spreadsheet used to list all parts i will need.
One could list the part and in various columns, enter prices from various
suppliers.....then easily compare costs. totals ect.
Also am wondering about some kind of journal to keep track of experiences
thoughts and happenings. Do people try to keep track of hours worked?? or
is it too depressing to add up ALL the costs of a restoration??LOL
I have taken some photo's but sometimes find that I get going taking things
off/apart without makeing adequate records.......ideas??
Gary, Frances Nafziger
Wellman, Iowa

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