Brian Sanborn wrote:
> I broke a cardinal rule big-time by driving the TR4 in driving
> rain. I had never driven this car in heavy rain before. I
> noticed quickly that on the interstate doing 65-70 MPH that I had
> NO brakes at all for at least 4 or 5 seconds when the rain was
> heavy.
> What is causing this? Can it be fixed? Today's cars don't have
> the "feature"... why does the TR4 behave this way?
Brian, I haven't had any trouble driving in driving rain.* Granted, I
only have a few rainstorms under my belt, but my braking has
been entirely predictable. Of course, the "low pedal on the first
application... after lots of highway mileage with no brake use"
that you described is also fairly predictable. Is this common then,
and if so is it just time for a seasonal bleeding or should I get
out the TRF and Moss catalogs?
*no one told me it was against the rules. <g>
Steven Newell
Denver, CO
'62 TR4