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Trying to find a specific TR3 colour

To: "TRlist" <>
Subject: Trying to find a specific TR3 colour
From: "Pat" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 22:08:14 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"
Today while out and about my wife and kids saw a "TR2/3" (they think..
fairly sure....) that is a "Smokey Blue/Grey". Unfortunatly they did not
stop to ask the owner, nor get a licence plate !

As I'm getting near having to figure out a colour to paint my tub I need to
find out if this is a stock TR3 colour or not. And MOST important, a clear
picture of it and it's name.

In my colour charts there is a Gunmetal in 1963-65 that is decriped as "Gray
Could this be it ?
Does anyone have a picture of their car in this possible colour, or a web
sight ?
As my TR is a 1957 am I out of line painting it a 1963 colour do you think ?

There is a web page with a
possible "Sighting"... second down on the right... is this it ?

Hey, this is the most interest she has shown in my "Hunk of Junk" project
car yet !! Are things looking up ?

Thanks for all your help, I come to rely alot on your collective wizdom !
Thanks all. Pat

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