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Re: A few questions for the TR4/TR4A experts

Subject: Re: A few questions for the TR4/TR4A experts
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 22:13:02 EDT
In a message dated 6/29/00 8:25:11 PM EST, writes:

> > 3. How many of the 1961 TR4s were vactually titled as 1962s?
>  Lots I suspect. I have a friend in the hartfor area who owns a titled
>  1962 TR4 and a 1963 TR3B... go figure.

Just to add to Don's comment a bit, the TR4 was introduced very late in 1961 
and would likely have been considered a 1962 model by almost everyone. After 
all, what dealer in his/her right mind would willingly ask for supplies of 
LAST YEAR'S model to sell? Similarly, many of the TR3B cars were built in 
summer and fall of 1962 and would have arrived stateside for sale in what 
everyone else would call the 1963 model year.


Andrew Mace, President, The Vintage Triumph Register

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