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As many of you know, I dropped off the list last year to devote major time
writing an electrical repair manual for the TR250/TR6. Well, I'm happy to
it is finally finished! As usual, once I got started, I didn't know when
quit. What I originally envisioned as a 75 - 80 page booklet gradually
morphed into the pound and a half monster described below.
Fellow listers,
Any errors found in this book are my fault since Dan tapped me to proof
read it. I tried to be as anal retentive as possible but I'm not very good
at this sort of thing (being anal, that is). It also took me two months to
do it (Dan's the one who is retired, not me) and that explains part of the
delay in publishing.
Now that Dan's back I won't have to answer as many electrical questions and
I'll have more time to proof read (oops, too late for that.).
Welcome back Dan, we missed you.
Dave Massey