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I'm back, and the book is finished!

Subject: I'm back, and the book is finished!
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 18:00:41 EDT

As many of you know, I dropped off the list last year to devote major time to 
writing an electrical repair manual for the TR250/TR6. Well, I'm happy to say 
it is finally finished!  As usual, once I got started, I didn't know when to 
quit. What I originally envisioned as a 75 - 80 page booklet gradually 
morphed into the pound and a half monster described below.

I know this list is not intended to be used by commercial vendors to 
advertise, but I'm not really a "commercial vendor," and I am only making the 
book available to list members at the present. Other than this list, I have 
no way of letting you know it's available, as I am not advertising anywhere 
else yet, so please accept my apology for the blatant commercial!

About the book:

The title is "Triumph TR250 - TR6 Electrical Maintenance Handbook." It has 
200 pages, 34 chapters, 223 diagrams, 49 photographs, 43 troubleshooting flow 
charts, and 8 large scale (11" X 17"), complete foldout schematics. It is 
printed on a laser printer (each book is an original - no copies) at 1200 
DPI, on 24 pound, super white paper, for crisp legibilty. Is is bound with a 
plastic comb binder so it will lay flat on your workbench, and has clear 
plastic covers, front and rear.


1. Introduction
2. General Procedures
3. Bad Connections and Grounds
4. Alternator Operation
5. Batteries and Battery Charging
6. Dwell vs Point Gap
7. Fuses
8. Ignition Theory
9. Switches, Relays, and Solenoids
10. Wiring Harness Repair

11. Anti Run-on Valves
12. Brake and Back-up Lights
13. Charging Circuit
14. Courtesy Lights
15. Gauges
16. Headlights
17. Heater Fan Motor
18. Horn Circuit
19. Horn Repairing/Rebuilding
20. Ignition System
21. Oil, Brake, and EGR lamps
22. Overdrive
23. Power Distribution
24. Seat Belt Interlocks
25. Starter
26. Turn Signals & Hazard Flasher
27. Windshield Wipers & Washer

28. Air Horns
29. Alarm Systems
30. Alternator Upgrades
31. Ballast Resister Bypass
32. Electric Cooling Fan
33. Electric Fuel Pump
34. Fog & Driving Lights

Appendix A - Electricity Flow
Appendix B Wiring Diagrams
    B1 TR 250 Schematic
    B2 69 TR6 Schematic
    B3 '70 - '71 TR6 Schematic
    B4 72 TR6 Schematic
    B5 73 TR6 Schematic
    B6 74 TR6 Schematic
    B7 75 TR6 Schematic
    B8 76 TR6 Schematic


As much as I hate to, I must charge $25 for it (plus $3.70 for postage and 
packing -- $3.20 for the stamp, and $0.50 for the mailer). It is VERY 
expensive to produce books in small quantities. I tried commercial 
publishers, but either the quality was extremely poor, or the cost was simply 
prohibitive. Postage and packing to most European countries is $10.70. $14.25 
to Australia, and $6.16 to Canada. For other countries, the book and packing 
weighs 1 pound, 8.8 ounces, so check with your post office. Those prices are 
for 5 - 10 day air mail. For 4 - 6 week surface mail, the prices are $6.78 to 
Europe and Australia, and $4.20 to Canada. If you want more than one copy 
(clubs, etc), up to five can be shipped for $5, if you can wait 2 - 10 days 
for delivery. Ask for pricing and discounts on orders for more than five 

To order, send check or money order, in US dollars, to:

Dan Masters,
PO Box 6430,
Maryville, TN 37802-6430

By the end of this week, I will have 100 copies ready, and I can print and 
bind about 10 - 15 per day after that. Under duress, and under protest, I can 
do as many as 20 - 25 per day (it takes 25 minutes just to print each book!) 
Please be patient with me, as this is a one-man operation. (I spent five 
hours yesterday, just folding the schematic diagrams - 800 for the first 100 
books!)  If I get more orders than I think I will, it may be a few days 
before I can fill your order. My goal is to have the book out the door within 
two working days after I recieve your order, but that is based on not having 
many orders. If I'm lucky, and the book is successful, it will take longer.


As much as I would like to, I cannot say with 100% certainty that the book 
doesn't contain errors -- given the nature of the problem, that is not 
possible. Two Triumphs, just a few numbers apart off the line, may have 
several differences in the wiring, and, after all these years, it is very 
difficult to find truly original examples. I can say, however, that any 
errors in the book are minor in nature, and the supporting material will 
provide sufficient guidance that the errors will not be a real problem.  
About 80% of the material comes from personal knowledge, about 15% from 
converstions with other owners, and about 5% from published documentation and 
plain old guess work.

Nevertheless, I do guarantee your complete satisfaction. If you are not happy 
with the book, for any reason, return it within 2 weeks, in resalable 
condition, and I will refund your money, minus shipping, no questions asked.

If this book is sucessful, I will follow up with a second volume for the TR2 
- TR4A, and maybe a later volume for the Spitfire and GT6.

Thank you, and sorry for the commercialism. It's good to be back on the list 
again (digest version for a while, as I work to fill orders).

Dan Masters,
Alcoa, TN

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