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question - low voltage

To: "John A. Simmons" <>
Subject: question - low voltage
From: David Massey <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 21:57:34 -0400
Cc: "triumphs" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "John A. Simmons"
>My TR6 has developed a miss recently that is starting to worsen.  Checked
the plugs and found that some were burning better than the others.  One
(#2) was black (like it was burning to rich), if removed right after a run
it would be damp with gas (guess it wasn't burning).  First thing I did was
swap with a plug the was burning correctly (#6) and the same thing would
happen, came out damp with gas.  Next I used a Gunston Flash tester on the
end of the plug wires and found that #2 didn't generate near the spark as
(3 wires generated excellent spark, 2 average and 1 bad).  So I swap wires
with #6 to see if that was the problem.  Nope, same result.  Had an extra
coil, tried it, same problem.  I have ordered new cap, rotor, condensor,
points and will replace them next.  Bought a timing gun and found someone
will teach me how to use it next week.  Question is, is there any thing
I should be looking for that would cause low voltage like this?  Thanks for
any help.

John, '71 TR6


Two things come to mind.  1) is the front carb set more rich than the rear?
 Are #1 and 3 plugs also looking wet and black?  2) check for wobble in the
distributor shaft.  Check the point gap at all six positions and see if
there is a great difference.

It is also possible that you have a carbon track from #2 electrode to
ground on the inside of the cap but since you have already covered that
possiblility I won't bring it up.


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