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question - low voltage

To: "triumphs" <>
Subject: question - low voltage
From: "John A. Simmons" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 12:28:46 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
My TR6 has developed a miss recently that is starting to worsen.  Checked
the plugs and found that some were burning better than the others.  One plug
(#2) was black (like it was burning to rich), if removed right after a run
it would be damp with gas (guess it wasn't burning).  First thing I did was
swap with a plug the was burning correctly (#6) and the same thing would
happen, came out damp with gas.  Next I used a Gunston Flash tester on the
end of the plug wires and found that #2 didn't generate near the spark as #6
(3 wires generated excellent spark, 2 average and 1 bad).  So I swap wires
with #6 to see if that was the problem.  Nope, same result.  Had an extra
coil, tried it, same problem.  I have ordered new cap, rotor, condensor, and
points and will replace them next.  Bought a timing gun and found someone
will teach me how to use it next week.  Question is, is there any thing else
I should be looking for that would cause low voltage like this?  Thanks for
any help.

John, '71 TR6
Berekely Springs, WV

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