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RE: Re: Big Healey vs. Triumph TR6

Subject: RE: Re: Big Healey vs. Triumph TR6
From: Christopher Ball <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 10:42:53 -0400
Cc: "''" <>

                        Oddly enough, a few years back I did just such a
comparison for a now defunct magazine. I supplied a big Healey, Stuart
Beatty from Belleville provided a TR6, and another fellow threw in a TVR
with TR6 running gear. It was an intersesting day of switching from cat to
car. Sadly, my Healey had the timing set so far off that she was slow and
hot all day, but what the hell.

                        So, in the end we all agreed that the TR6 was a more
modern and comfortable car, and felt lighter and smaller in the turns. The
Healey is down right Edwardian and feels it. Ponderous and heavy. 

                        However, to look at and listen to, nothing beats
that Healey. You should try to drive one before you buy though. They are not
for everyone.

                        Othere factors ?   Healeys are more - in every way.
More to run, to insure, to fix. More frustrating to work on at times and
more difficult to find bits for too, although it's not bad really.

                        On the highway, a Healey with overdrive is a joy
though and they( the 3000 III anyway) have a great pull up top and real

                        Ground clearance is a real factor for sure. Mine has
trouble over speed bumps everywhere. So is engine heat. If you live in a hot
climate the heat coming off that straight six is truly uncomfortable at

                        All that said, can you have mine, ever? NO WAY!  


        Chris Ball 

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