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Re: Cleaning Fuel Tank

To: "Jim Hill" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Cleaning Fuel Tank
From: "David A. Templeton" <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 12:49:25 -0400charset="Windows-1252"
References: <>
FWIW, I was looking in the POR-15 catalog and saw this:

Auto Fuel Tank Repair Kit.

Fuel Tank Repair is more than just pouring a quart of sealer and sloshing it
around.  If gum, varnish, sludge, or fuel are inside they must be removed
first.  Our U.S. STANDARD FUEL TANK SEALERtm, like all other sealers will
not work in a contaminated thank.  Find out what the pros already know...get
our FUEL TANK REPAIR KIT with everything you need to do the job right.

Thier quote is $49.95usd. Then there is a blurb about the sealer.

hope this helps someone....

        David A. Templeton
        Open Text Corp.
        Waterloo, ON

        '74 Triumph SpitSix
        '66 Ford Mustang (Wife's)
        '59 Triumph TR3a (Project)
        '99 GMC Safari
        '95 GMC K2500 Sierra

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Hill" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 12:39 PM
Subject: RE: Cleaning Fuel Tank

> Bob Kramer wrote:
> > Muriatic Acid will not be neutralized by the lacquer thinner. It
> > does however completely neutralized with water. I followed a simple
> regimen,
> > used the MA, flushed with lots of water, filled with water and let sit
> > the sun.
> Please permit me a small but potentially important correction - water does
> not in any way "neutralize" muriatic (hydrochloric) acid. At best, water
> dilutes the acid--and the more water and the more dilution the better--but
> it takes baking soda or some other "base" to actually neutralize the acid.
> It's been my experience that muriatic acid used as a metal cleaner, if not
> properly neutralized, will eventually damage any surface with which it has
> had contact, including finishes applied over it. YMMV, of course.
> Jim Hill
> Madison WI

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