According to Bentley's data 3000 RPM should be 75.3 MPH on an A type and
78.3 MPH on a J type. I presume many of us have close, but no cigar, tire
sizes that will induce some variation. Roger Elliot's data is very similar.
He said 25.3 for the A type whereas Bently sez 25.1 MPH per 1k RPM.
Jim Altman Illigitimi non Carborundum 69-TR6#CC28754L(O) W4UCK
-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Thomas []
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 6:50 AM
To:; Jim Altman
Cc: 'triumphs@autox. team. net' (E-mail)
Subject: Re: Excuse my o/d gloat
T/R 3, @ 2400, I'm doing 67 MPH, @ 3000, 76 MPH, very seldom ever go above
that. On our trip to VTR 99, Dan Masters & I averaged 72 MPH, until Vermont
& the mountains and we were always at the 3000 RPM.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: Jim Altman <>
Cc: 'triumphs@autox. team. net' (E-mail) <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: Excuse my o/d gloat
> Those RPM seen a little high for that speed. My gages read 3000 RPM and
> 80 MPH on the way to Portland and back. And if I remember right I was
> right around 2600 RPM going 75 MPH.
> I'm pretty sure my speedo is right cause I timed myself between mile
> markers and calculated my speed and it came out right on every time
> (amazing the things you'll do to pass the time out on the road).
> Wonder what others get? Listers, how bout it. What do yours read with
> OD kicked in at those speeds.
> Bud Rolofson
> Jim Altman wrote:
> >
> > Got my OD installed in the 6 today and drove it home on the freeway. All
> > can say is WOW! What a difference! WOW! 2800 RPM at 70 MPH. Quite a
> > reduction in noise.
> >
> > Jim Altman Illigitimi non Carborundum
> > 69-TR6#CC28754L(O) W4UCK