In a message dated 9/28/99 10:39:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<< Those RPM seen a little high for that speed. My gages read 3000 RPM and
80 MPH on the way to Portland and back. And if I remember right I was
right around 2600 RPM going 75 MPH.
I'm pretty sure my speedo is right cause I timed myself between mile
markers and calculated my speed and it came out right on every time
(amazing the things you'll do to pass the time out on the road).
Wonder what others get? Listers, how bout it. What do yours read with
OD kicked in at those speeds.
Bud Rolofson
Hi Bud
I think a good way to check the speedo accuracy in the TR3-4 cars is to go 60
mph in 4th (not OD) gear. I find on all 3 of my cars 60 mph = 3,000 rpm, or
at least very close to it. Easy to spot - both gauges at 12 o'clock.
Have also checked against the mile markers in the TR3B, over 90 miles and I
was within a mile of the distance indicated by the markers. So I think all my
tach's & speedo's are pretty accurate. All have been rebuilt by Nisonger.
I agree w/ the 80 mph = 3000 mph in OD top. This is my normal highway
cruising speed!
Ken Nuelle
58 TR3A
62 TR3B
64 TR4