Bud Rolofson writes:
>Those RPM seen a little high for that speed. My gages read 3000 RPM and
>80 MPH on the way to Portland and back. And if I remember right I was
>right around 2600 RPM going 75 MPH.
>I'm pretty sure my speedo is right cause I timed myself between mile
>markers and calculated my speed and it came out right on every time
>(amazing the things you'll do to pass the time out on the road).
>Wonder what others get? Listers, how bout it. What do yours read with
>OD kicked in at those speeds.
>Bud Rolofson
I think you better check your Tach. I get 25 MPH per 1000 RPM which
translates into 3000 RPM @ 75 MPH. These values are based on
book values of 20 MPH per 1000RPM in fourth direct, timing speed
off of the milage markers on the interstate and calculating a correction
value for my tach (which reads about 200 RPM low, BTW).
So 2800 RPM @ 70 is about right.
Maybe your engine is so finely balanced it just seams to be turning
slower. ;-)
Dave Massey
71 TR6 W/ OD
P.S. Jim A. ; Congrats on the OD. A TR6 w/ OD is a great highway car.