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To: "Triumph" <>
Subject: Bio
From: "Peter French" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 23:38:27 +0100charset="Windows-1252"
Hello everybody, I am 51 with one each of wife, son, daughter and
granddaughter. My job is designing electronics, mainly now for Rolls-Royce
and Bentley cars, very interesting and I get to see and ride in all the new
I have recently come back to Triumph after a gap of 28 years with Sunbeams
and then Jaguars, I like them all but Petrol prices and taxes have got so
here my Jaguar was getting to be a bit of an unjustifiable luxury! I have
always wanted an "E" type or a "D" type kit car and when that became "Out of
the question" I wondered what to do. Then I remembered that when I was a new
driver with a 1963 Triumph Herald my future wife and I used to look in
Triumph showrooms back in 1969 at the new GT6's and say we would have one of
them one day. I never thought it would take so long! In the end I got a 1969
mk2 in near show condition and with a Stage 2 engine tune, a sort of economy
"E" type anyway! I paid what would seem a high price in the US (£6300, or
$10,000) but I know it cost nearly that plus 8 years work for the PO to get
it to that condition and I am well satisfied. The car is faster and more
reliable than when new with many extras. The money I spent was exactly what
I got for the Jaguar which I did restore myself so I don't feel too guilty.
I love these lists, I sold my last car (1976 Jaguar XJ12 Coupe) entirely via
E-mail to a fellow lister who happened to live in North Carolina even though
it did not have air -conditioning and was right hand drive!
Peter French
Bedfordshire, UK
1969 GT6 mk2

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