Reading this bio thread has kind of been like seeing what a radio announcer
looks - they never look like what you expected. Anyway, this has been
interesting, so here goes.
Age 47, married 20 yrs, 2 stress factors (daughter age 13 & son age 11).
Our 3rd "child" is a Brittany Spaniel. Home: Edmonton, AB, Canada, but was
raised in Montreal and spent my high school years in the Bahamas where I
first got the TR bug.
To be honest, the only TR6 I ever sat in before getting one was at a
new-car show in 1972 - I still have a picture of me sitting in it. Finally
getting a '70 TR6 in 1992 was chalked up to a mid-life crisis, but it was
really just fulfilling a wish I'd had since high school when I craved a
TR250 - that was way better than the pony cars that were supposed to be the
"sports cars" of the time. Other "needs" included a Sprite, but they never
materialized, so the TR6 is my 1st lbc. A '250 is still way up on the wish
While my wife pretends no interest, she has aided and abetted my hobby -
principally by letting me sell her car to get the TR6. She continues to go
along with it because she knows I'll be in the garage in my spare time,
instead of doing other mid-life crisis hobbies like skydiving... My kids
are only moderately interested, but that'll likely change as driving age
approaches. (Time to start planning my excuses...)
I am a mineral exploration geologist, so work and travel often takes me
away for extended periods - usually to Asia & SE Asia of late - and usually
during the already too short summers we get here in the Great White North.
Anyway, after 7 years of ownership, I think (hope?) I've now got a reliable
daily driver - it mostly starts and stops when I decide. Because of zero
prior experience and only average mechanical knowledge & available tools, I
got a car that was already in pretty good shape, but I've learned my way
through something of a rolling resto, with new engine bearings, brakes,
suspension, etc, etc. We have 6 months of winter and 6 months of tough
sledding up here, so with a short driving season, there's nothing worse
than to have it parked because of needed work. In the winter, I try to
make up for lbc withdrawal by reading and writing about TRs (contributing
book reviews to the 6-Pack newsletter), and following this list which is
the best source of lbc info by far - thanks to all!
Rod. CC55899L