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RE: Vicky Brit Attitude

To: "'Steve Nabors'" <>
Subject: RE: Vicky Brit Attitude
From: "Radley, Jack" <JackR@SHRIVERCO.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:29:03 -0400
Cc: "''" <>
I have purchased from each of the big 3.  I have had good experiences
with all 3.  Taking that one step further, I have had no trouble with
VB.  While the projects with my car have been pretty much on the
light-weight side (no major rebuild/restoration), I have found VB to be
fine to work with.

I am a bean counter (CPA) and see all types of businesses every day.
Each business is different and each caters to a different niche.  TRF
seems to cater to the group that is heavy into restoration, etc.  VB
caters to the buyer who knows what he needs, knows what to do with the
parts, etc.  Moss is probably somewhere in between.  I have said this
before, but without the 3 companies competing with one another, the
price of parts for our cars would likely skyrocket.  Even more
important, I think the competition keeps each of the 3 on their toes as
far as trying to supply as many "obscure" parts as possible in order to
get an edge over the other 2.

We are all lucky we have the choices of suppliers that we do.  If TRF is
out of stock, you can look to at least 2 other reliable sources.  We are
equally lucky to have this list as a source of invaluable info on our

Each of the big 3 have their good points and bad points.  We all have
our choice of supplier - use the one you like and ignore the one you
dislike!  Vote with your $$$$.  God bless America!

Jack Radley

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Steve Nabors
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 8:04 AM
To: The List
Subject: Re: Vicky Brit Attitude

Plain and simple, VB tends to be cheap on pricing. If you buy, your on
your own technically(i.e. Zero tech support). I've had my car about 7
months now and I've probably bought about$700-$800 in parts from VB.
Little over $100/month. Bud Rolfson says thats my monthly Triumph
membership dues for which all drivers are hopelessly members. Anyway,
I've not had any part problems out of them but I've had 2 questions.
Brick walls have better answers than VB. The list is backup
support(aside from manuals) in this scenario.

I plan to make my next purchase from TRF. They sent me the big thick TR6
spare parts manuals and all I've purchased from them is a carb manual
thus far. 

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