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Re: Vicky Brit Attitude

To: Triumph Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Vicky Brit Attitude
From: Kevin Brown <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:33:51 -0500
References: <>
Also note that both TRF and Moss invest money back in to remanufacturing out
of production parts.  Victoria British does not -- though Mr. Long does have
a Ferrari along with some other nice cars that he has invested his profits

Kevin Brown
Odessa, MO

Radley, Jack wrote:

> I have purchased from each of the big 3.  I have had good experiences
> with all 3.  Taking that one step further, I have had no trouble with
> VB.  While the projects with my car have been pretty much on the
> light-weight side (no major rebuild/restoration), I have found VB to be
> fine to work with.
> I am a bean counter (CPA) and see all types of businesses every day.
> Each business is different and each caters to a different niche.  TRF
> seems to cater to the group that is heavy into restoration, etc.  VB
> caters to the buyer who knows what he needs, knows what to do with the
> parts, etc.  Moss is probably somewhere in between.  I have said this
> before, but without the 3 companies competing with one another, the
> price of parts for our cars would likely skyrocket.  Even more
> important, I think the competition keeps each of the 3 on their toes as
> far as trying to supply as many "obscure" parts as possible in order to
> get an edge over the other 2.
> We are all lucky we have the choices of suppliers that we do.  If TRF is
> out of stock, you can look to at least 2 other reliable sources.  We are
> equally lucky to have this list as a source of invaluable info on our
> cars.
> Each of the big 3 have their good points and bad points.  We all have
> our choice of supplier - use the one you like and ignore the one you
> dislike!  Vote with your $$$$.  God bless America!
> Jack Radley
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Steve Nabors
> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 8:04 AM
> To: The List
> Subject: Re: Vicky Brit Attitude
> Plain and simple, VB tends to be cheap on pricing. If you buy, your on
> your own technically(i.e. Zero tech support). I've had my car about 7
> months now and I've probably bought about$700-$800 in parts from VB.
> Little over $100/month. Bud Rolfson says thats my monthly Triumph
> membership dues for which all drivers are hopelessly members. Anyway,
> I've not had any part problems out of them but I've had 2 questions.
> Brick walls have better answers than VB. The list is backup
> support(aside from manuals) in this scenario.
> I plan to make my next purchase from TRF. They sent me the big thick TR6
> spare parts manuals and all I've purchased from them is a carb manual
> thus far.

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