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Re: Vicky Brit Attitude

To: "The List" <>
Subject: Re: Vicky Brit Attitude
From: "Steve Nabors" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:28:08 -0700
Organization: QUALCOMM Eudora Web-Mail (
Plain and simple, VB tends to be cheap on pricing. If you buy, your on your own 
technically(i.e. Zero tech support). I've had my car about 7 months now and 
I've probably bought about$700-$800 in parts from VB. Little over $100/month. 
Bud Rolfson says thats my monthly Triumph membership dues for which all drivers 
are hopelessly members. Anyway, I've not had any part problems out of them but 
I've had 2 questions. Brick walls have better answers than VB. The list is 
backup support(aside from manuals) in this scenario.

I plan to make my next purchase from TRF. They sent me the big thick TR6 spare 
parts manuals and all I've purchased from them is a carb manual thus far. 

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