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Re: Wobbles

Subject: Re: Wobbles
From: Cliff Hansen <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 20:02:28 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
At 02:36 PM 04/21/98 PDT, Shane F. Ingate wrote:
>William Hofmann wrote:
>       >Has anyone exeperienced the following...
>       >I puchased a '73 TR6 and at 60 MPH the front end shimmys so...
>       >I replace the rubber rack & pinion mount bushings with the solid =
>       >aluminium ones and it still shimmys so...
>       >I balance and align the front end and it still shimmys so...
>       >I repack the front wheel bearings and it still shimmys so..
>       >I replace all the bushings on the front end, install new tie rod ends, 
>       >new trunions(sp?) , lower ball joints and shocks and the &*^%$%&^ 
>thing =
>       >still shimmys.
>       >I am running out of things to replace.  Anyone got an idea?

I'll second the other suggestion to check the inner tie rods.  There's
some spacers and shims in there that can be worn, if there's too
much play you will get a side to side shimmy.  You can check these
by jacking up one side of the car (leaving the other front wheel
firmly on the ground) grab the front and back of the wheel, then
push and pull HARD, watching the rubber bellows for movement.
Worn tie rod assemblies will show slight jerking at the bellows.
Its really a two person job, see if your buddy will yank on the tire
for you.  The guy that does my alignments checked mine this way.

Cliff Hansen
1966 TR-4A  CTC 64615L (running, but pigeon-toed until Saturday)

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