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Re: Limey

Subject: Re: Limey
From: "Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 11:22:56 +0000 ()
Cc: Richard Jackson <>, Jane Burdekin <>, "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
On Tue, 4 Feb 1997 wrote:

> >I take it this is an American thing that us Limey's just ain't gonna
> >understand!!! ;-)
> I'm an old Fart but perhaps not old enough to understand, what the term 
> LIMEY means, or it's history. I can only guess it is a shortened or slang 
> for " Lie To Me" as in ; when you take your LBC in to get an estimate on 
> a pepair.
> If you haven't already been told 'limey' is the name given to british
servicemen by their american counterparts because the british were
issued with lime juice to prevent scurvy and other unpleasant ills
associated with Vitamin C defficiency! Here endeth the lesson!

Johnny Storm
'77 Spit 1500 

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