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Re: Spitfire Windshields

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Spitfire Windshields
From: Todd Harbold <>
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 15:49:39 -0500
References: <0781C32F64C91040*/c=US/admd=ATTmail/prmd=Transam/o=tfs/s=Vincenti/g=Ross/@MHS>
All thi stalk of replacing windsheilds has popped a question into my
head.  I'm in the early stages (read disassembling and cataloging parts)
of restoring my '74 Spitfir.  I plan to repair the usual bodywork and
repaint the entire beast.  I am considering the idea of removing the
windsheild until I have finished the mastiest body work.  Anybody have
an input as to whether this is good idea or not?  How hard is it to
remove a Spit windsheild in one piece?  (Is it even possible?)

OR should I just get out the big hammer and tell my wife that we would
have had to replace it in order to pass inspection anyway?

'74 Spit 1500 FM10350U

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