At 12:30 AM 12/17/96 -0700, Mark J Bradakis wrote:
>One thing that none of the old time list members has yet mentioned is that
>events like this happen, well, not all the time, but now and again. For some
>reason I'll just get frustrated, angry, whatever, and bombard one or all the
>lists with something or other that upsets some number of folks. In a few days
>the flames die down, and things return to normal. It has happened a few times
>over the nearly decade long tenure I've had at the wheel, I am sure it will
>happen again. So it goes.
Mark I think what we are dealing with is large numbers of relativly new
list subscribers who do not know you from your postings and assume the list
is this completely automated thing. When this unknown person jumps in and
makes root like (God like) statements they start wondering who & the h**L
this mjb person is and where does he get off acting like a sysadmin ( all
powerfull dictator).
To my mind, the one down side of the list splits is that it separates
people. When I reply to a cross posted message I generally get close to a
dozen messages welcoming me back and saying they are glad to hear from me
and wanting an update on the Once and Future TR3.
> Anyone hear of the Fat Chance Garage?
>More on that later.
As much as I was and mostly still am an advocate of minimizing emails by
keeping them relavant to the list subject and keeping mini novels on the
original British Cars list, I'll admit I do miss the stories of happenings
at the Fat Chance Garage, and the writings of Scott Fisher #1. If I wasn't
getting around 150 messages a day from lists on my home computer and 20 to
50 a day on my work computer I would rejoin the original list.
>And thank you, Teriann, for your support and appreciation over the years.