Long time list reader Teriann writes:
I suspect that many of the people who use one or more of the British car
lists do not know that he is he single most important person on the lists
and that we owe the continued existance of the lists to his efforts.
Gosh, thanks for the words of appreciation!
Mark doesn't get paid for maintaining the mail lists and Web site. If it
wasn't for his work, you would not be reading this list.
Don't forget the FTP site, too. And don't worry, when the day comes that I
finally throw up my hands and declare "Enough!" I'll likely scrounge up
folks to take over for me, rather than just pulling the plug. These lists
are much bigger than I am, they will continue one way or another.
One thing that none of the old time list members has yet mentioned is that
events like this happen, well, not all the time, but now and again. For some
reason I'll just get frustrated, angry, whatever, and bombard one or all the
lists with something or other that upsets some number of folks. In a few days
the flames die down, and things return to normal. It has happened a few times
over the nearly decade long tenure I've had at the wheel, I am sure it will
happen again. So it goes.
Anyone hear of the Fat Chance Garage?
More on that later.
And thank you, Teriann, for your support and appreciation over the years.