At 8:58 AM 12/13/96 +0000, john gillis wrote:
>Your doing it again !!
>To my eyes all hell seems to have broken loose on the list. One minute I'm
>getting useful advice on all things Triumph, once I had learned what an LBC
>The next thing it's AOL and MJB. Maybe I'm just too dim to be on this list, but
>I have no idea what this whole discussion is about and if I am effected. What
>what is AOL and MJB's and why are so many list members upset????,.These
>questions and more. Thanks in advance and thanks for the LBC answer.
>John Gillis 1954 TR2 undergoing the works
>Trinity College
AOL is a company like compuserve, but its even more American centric. The
full name of the company is America On Line. They call themselves AOL
which is why everyone refers to them as AOL.
mjb is a person named Mark J Bradakis. Mark is usually refered to as mjb
by people on mail lists because he signs his messages mjb and many people
can not remember his real name.
I suspect that many of the people who use one or more of the British car
lists do not know that he is he single most important person on the lists
and that we owe the continued existance of the lists to his efforts.
The original British car list started on a company owned computer on the US
East coast. After a few years the list needed to find a new home or die.
Mark stepped in and brought the British car list to his computer connected
to the Computer Science Dept of a university in Utah. During the early
years of his taking over the mail list, I remember him occasionally
complaining that the traffic on the one British car mail list was heavy
enough to slow his computer down to a crawl keeping him from doing any
Mark not only overcame that, he launched multiple marque specific mail
lists and a large British car website.
Mark doesn't get paid for maintaining the mail lists and Web site. If it
wan't for his work, you would not be reading this list.
Mark used to post fairly frequently, but he seems too buisy to even read
his creations these days. To my mind, the list exists today because Mark
is spending a lot of his time keeping it going and the list is poorer
because he no longer has time to post much and share his knowledge of
British cars.
Anyone hear of the Fat Chance Garage?