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Re: More acronym's????

To: Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV,
Subject: Re: More acronym's????
From: (TeriAnn Wakeman)
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 06:48:48 -0800
At  8:38 AM 12/13/96 -0800, Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV wrote:
> You¼re not affected, but here it is.
>AOL:  America On Line.
>MJB:  Mark J Bradakis, keeper of SOL
>SOL:  Scions of Lucas

Scions of Lucas is the official name of the original British car list.

When we were trying to come up with a name for the group, people thought it
would be best if the name could be turned into a meaningful acronem.  One
of the suggesstions was Sons of Lucas or SOL.  I countered with Daughters
of Lucas or DOL.  Some brilliant person comprimised on Scions of Lucas and
we went with that name.  Later the offical coat of arms or logo for the
group was designed to be a crossed spanner and connecting rod over a
British flag with the words SOL in the centre.

You can see a version of it at:

Its been common practice in the past of SOLers to identify their cars at
British car meets by placing a SOL coat of arms in the window of their


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