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Re: That old Triumph aroma...

Subject: Re: That old Triumph aroma...
From: Tom Tweed <>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 1996 19:03:10 -0400
Fellow Motorheads,

This past spring, when I went out to the barn eith a hot battery to
check on the 250, I noticed a distinctive, musty aroma as I sat inside
and put the key in the lock.  A peek in the glove box revealed a large
mouse nest made of shredded shop rags.  I also noticed that my old sack
of Mail Pouch chewing tobacco (how's that for a manly name ?) was also
shredded...and that a small box of wooden matches (for see-gars!) had
all the heads eaten off.  Probing the mouse nest revealed the dried re-
mains of a large mouse family, OD'd on tobacco and matchheads I guess,
but accounting for the strange nuance to that old familiar TR aroma.

Do you suppose we could bottle that, like Ralph Lauren attempted with
his old-saddle-and-horse-sweat-and-trail-dust concoction called Chaps?

BTW adding drug-store Castor oil to the gasoline is a common elixir used
by old British bike owners--and leaves a racy funk in your exhaust. (The
Bike's, I mean...)  Just a little dab'll do ya !

Beast regards,
Tom Tweed
SW Ohio

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