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Re: Rear Bearing seal, TR3

Subject: Re: Rear Bearing seal, TR3
From: John Matthews <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 09:14:47 -0800
Organization: Apple Computer, Inc.
References: <> wrote:
> I understand that there is a rear seal conversion kit available that is
> supposed to lessen the leaking that is such a feature of our "darlings"
> Anybody know anything about  these?

Don't know about the TR3, but I had a leaky rear seal on my Herald,
with a 1296cc spitfire motor. It had the old scroll type seal that 
doesn't seem to be avaiable (for good reason I think). I ordered one 
from Motorhead (a rubber and spring type) had the housing bored out to 
fit, and pressed it in with a little sealer. What do you know, it 
doesn't leak!!!! Don't know about a kit, but if it consists of changing 
to a modern type of seal go for it!

John Matthews
'61 Herald

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