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TRF Bashing

Subject: TRF Bashing
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 21:27:32 -0400
On Tue, 7 May 1996  Larry E. Snyder wrote that he is
"beginning to feel that TRF is getting increasingly out of touch with the
typical Triumph owner, or me, at least."

I totally disagree.  TRF's service and technical knowledge and ability to
discuss parts and applications rather than just part numbers from a catalog
set them far ahead of most of their competitors.  Yes, they do suffer some
lengthy back orders from time to time but I think that is because they put
the effort into buying QUALITY parts.  I've lost track of the time, effort
and money that I've put into cheapo parts from some of their competitors only
to find that the quality was poor and the part either had to be returned
immediately.  I recently installed a master brake cylinder rebuild kit from
one of their competitors after and it failed with about 6 hours driving time
on it.  You'll have to be the judge as to how quick you really need the part.
 As far as cost, they're competitive overall and are my first choice for
placing orders with.  As for the Society and the Inn, Charles is promoting
the hobby as well as fullfilling a personal dream and there is nothing wrong
with that.  If you think that it's at your expense so be it.  As for
including MGB parts it's a might better than parts for Plymouths, Chevys and
other assorted American iron.  As for Teddy the bear, well you've got me
there.  Let's face the facts, if we're going to keep our Triumphs on the road
in the years to come we'll be more and more dependent on firms like TRF to
supply the parts we need because the're won't be many parts cars left out
there in the scrap heap to choose from.  Make every day a TRIUMPH day.  

Randy Dunn
Original Ower of a '73 Spitfire

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