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Re: TR3 Front Brake Calipers

Subject: Re: TR3 Front Brake Calipers
From: (Scott W. Paisley)
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 12:03:17 -0600
References: <425484370103370C@-SMF-><>
Gregory Petrolati writes:
 > On 2 Aug 1995, Keith Bennett wrote:

 > > You'll need to restrain the the free one with a 
 > > mole wrench or G clamp or whatever seems appropriate until the second one 
 > > shifts.
 >      Okay, I'll play the "dim Colonial"... What part of a mole shifts 
 >      that it would require a special spanner to put things right?:-)
 >      I mean, them's critters... ain't they? 

Actually the way I did this on they motorcycle caliper was somewhat
cute.  You see, that caliper is a little bit smaller than the TR3
caliper (I think) and it required something smaller than a mole, which
I didn't have.  So I separated the caliper and put it back together
backwards.  That is, rotate one half of the caliper 180 degrees so
that one piston is pointing up, the other pointing down.  (Crude ascii
drawing follows:

                Right way      Backwards way
                    [ ]           [  
                    | |           |  
                    |-|           |-|  <--- This is where the caliper splits

The "[" are the pistons facing each other in the first picture, then
separate the caliper and rotate the right side so that it can be
assembled upside down.  Not sure if this is possible on the TR3
caliper or not.  Anyway, you can then use a C-clamp to stop the FIRST
piston from flying out after you get it most of the way out.  Blast
the other one free, separate the caliper, then blast the final one
free with the rubber tip on your air hose.

BTW, someone already mentioned this, but brake fluid *will* fly
everywhere in a fine mist.  Not much fun for the lungs as well as eyes
and other vital parts of the body.


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