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Re: sound files

Subject: Re: sound files
From: "Robert E. H. Clark" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 11:28:45 -0600
I think Gary has a great idea here.  The technology does exist, and I have
found that sounds are a very useful diagnostic.  The problem is that once
I figure out what a particular sound means, it is too late!  It would be
really useful to have some sounds stored away somewhere with a description
of what they mean is happening to your car.  It is very hard to try to describe
a sound in text.  Anyone have any ideas on whethor or not something like
this could be made to happen?

Bob Clark

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[daydream mode - on]
Wouldn't it be great if we could exchange sound files so we could hear the
problem? Hey, maybe some creative souls could record some sound clips next
time their engine goes sour, then we could enhance the web site with
collective wisdom on how expensive certain sounds are. We can do it - we
have the technology. Too bad MJB's off for a few weeks. Oh, yeah, and we
could have the roar of a full-race TR as a startup sound on our computers
too. Better add a couple extra smileys on this flight of fancy :-) :-)
[reality mode - on]

Gary Schneider, Nicolet Instrument Technologies
phone: 608-276-6172, Fax: 608-273-5061, Internet:

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