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Re: Touring Communications

Subject: Re: Touring Communications
From: Greg Meboe <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 10:24:37 -0700 (PDT)
        I've arranged a couple of tours myself, and I offer a few tips to you.

*  Use a set of CB's to aid in tour cohesion, agree on two channels.
*  Have a driver's meeting at each stop.  Get feedback.
*  Arrange for the slower drivers to drive at the front, and the faster 
     drivers at the rear.  This keeps the pack tighter, and the rear guys 
     can let up and go fast every once in awhile.  
*  Agree on some standard like, "Headlights on means need assistance" 
     or some such.
*  Use group turn signalling, it's fun and very helpful.

        It is possible for the organizer (you) to have a good time, just take a 
few precautions to ensure that 1) there will be good cohesion, 2) slower 
drivers won't slow the group down, 3) speedy drivers won't leave the 
pack in dust, 4) everybody knows where the tour is headed, both micro and 
        Oh, one other thing, pre-drive the route if you can.  I once led a 
group of 15 TR's into a summer construction zone, 10 miles of gravel. :-(

                            Greg Meboe
                            Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
                            Washington State University,  Pullman, Wa.
                            '85 XJ-12 H.E. (daily)  '67 Spit-6 '74 TR-6

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