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Re: sound files

Subject: Re: sound files
From: (Gary Schneider)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 17:36:37 CDT
Jeremy DuBois replied to the recorded sound thread:
>  Well, I'd be happy to donate my sound if somebody would tell me what the
>heck is making it :-)
Maybe the idea isn't as weird as I thought.

Jeremy, if you felt like making a recording and sending it over, I'd be
happy to listen and run it by some wrenches at our next 1st-Thursday club
meeting. We could take an educated guess (or ten). In fact, the VTR
nationals next week might also be a good forum...I could challenge the
Triumph gods. MJB himself will be there and perhaps other lesser deity.

Of course, there are lower-tech ways of doing this. I think we used to call
them cassettes. Either way, it might be fun to take a crack at it. I think
you said you have a rattle at startup? The startup and maybe 10 seconds
more from inside the engine compartment would probably be enough.

Feel like expanding the horizons of SOL services? Anyone else interested?

Gary Schneider, Nicolet Instrument Technologies
phone: 608-276-6172, Fax: 608-273-5061, Internet:

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