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Re: TSSC Stafford

To: Randell Jesup <>
Subject: Re: TSSC Stafford
From: Gregory Petrolati <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 16:47:00 -0500 (CDT)
Cc: Triumph Mailing List <>
On Wed, 12 Jul 1995, Randell Jesup wrote:

>       Ah, but the decreased mass of the sun will cause the Earth to be
> orbiting further out by then, I think roughly between current and Mars, or
> perhaps even as far out as Mars is, and thus it won't get englobed.  A bit
> cooked, perhaps.

        Good point! Though I think the fellow was off (timetable-wise) by
        several billion years... but whose counting?

        A little cooked??? Still not too good for that paint job...

        Off planet's the way to go....

        Hey, warp drive? I've been driving warped so long I wouldn't know 
        the diff!

        Greg "IN SPACE!!!" Petrolati                         1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
        "That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois

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