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Re: TSSC Stafford

Subject: Re: TSSC Stafford
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 95 14:38:08 -0700
In message <>  writes:
> >>> > Heres a scary thought, in a few hundred million years time the sun will
> >>> > eventually burn out, our planet will get bloody cold, we'll all die, so 

> This is all moot anyway.  People who do climate modeling believe that
> the Earth will suffer a runaway green house in about a billion years
> because the Sun is getting gradually brighter.  At that point, the
> Earth's climate will look a lot like Venus'. 

I guess it would be about time to trailer the TR3 behind the Land Rover and move
out to the 'burbs on Mars.  Considering that if people don't stop breeding at 
the current rate the population on earth will double by 2050, it would either be
real crowded here or lifeless

TeriAnn Wakeman              .sig closed for remodeling         

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