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Re: TSSC Stafford

To: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570" <>
Subject: Re: TSSC Stafford
From: Phil Willson <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 12:41:29 BST
Priority: Normal
Hi Rich et al,

The TSSC International.

I'll be there, for my sins. I'll be there in my 2500S because..........IT 
brought it into work to see if there are any problems.  It's a day for 
celebration - the first time it's been used for 
over 3 years.  And it's beautiful.  I knew that already but it's nice to be 

At Stafford I'll be on the Technical desk for some of the time and, I believe, 
doing some concours judging on the 
Sunday.  The trouble is I drool over some of the cars so much that I spoil the 
nice shine and they lose points!  
This year the officials will be wearing bright (yellow I think) baseball caps 
so that we're easliy spotted and we've 
even got name badges at last.  So, please, if any of you netters (or is it 
nutters?) are there, come and say Hello or 
anything else nice - I'll talk to anyone, I'm not proud! ( It's funny really, 
we tell our kids not to talk to strangers 
and yet I'll chat to any weirdo providing he's got a Triumph.)

> Heres a scary thought, in a few hundred million years time the sun will
> eventually burn out, our planet will get bloody cold, we'll all die, so WHO's
> gonna look after our LBC's then..........

I can't think about that till next week.


From:   Phil Willson
        Electronic Engineering
        Queen Mary and Westfield College
        London E1 4NS
        Tel +44 (0)171 975 5338
        Fax +44 (0)181 981 0259

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