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RE: Accel coil, problems?

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Accel coil, problems?
From: bswinehart <>
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 95 11:31:00 PDT
Encoding: 63 TEXT
I've been experiencing a similar probelem in my TR6.  My original problem 
was a misfire on the first cylinder intermittently.  I replaced my old coil 
with a Lucas Hi Performance which had no effect on the misfire.  I believe 
my problem is distributor wobble and it may be the source of your problem as 
well.  I'll get a second opinion on mine within the next few weeks, but I 
have another distributor to try first.

One thing that sort of confirmed this to me was that replacing the rotor and 
cap almost totally eliminated the miss but only for 50 miles or so.  I think 
the shaft causes undo wear on the rotor and distributor points of contact. 
 I also installed an electronic ignition thinkin that no point breaker 
riding against the shaft may help, but it didn't.

Hope this helps,
From: Thomas Augustus Kimberly
Cc: triumphs
Subject: Accel coil, problems?
Date: Monday, July 03, 1995 8:44PM

From: Thomas Augustus Kimberly on Mon, Jul 3, 1995 8:44 PM
Subject: Accel coil, problems?
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From: (Thomas Augustus Kimberly)
Subject: Accel coil, problems?
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 20:17:52 -0400 (EDT)
at Jul 3, 95 06:08:19 pm
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I just installed a Accel something or another "performance" coil on my
TR6.  (Its a nice pretty yellow :)  I did this in my ongoing project of
attempting to rid myself of some of the random misfires and shyte that
haunt m'car.  I figured that anything had to be better than the
twenty-three year old Lucas unit.  Eris doesn't agree.  Now she has
collected new misfires in new engine speeds.  Does anybody have anyclue
what I might have done wrong?  I merely removed the old coil and straight
replaced it with the new one.  Coils are relatively generic items aren't
they?  Is there any chance that the Accel coil that was designed primarily
for big nasty 'mericun V8s isn't compatible with my tractor engine?
If so would it work on our TR7?  Now that I've installed it I can't get my
$25 back.

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