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From: JESTER.C.C%wec@dialcom.Tymnet.COM
Date: 4 Jul 95 07:46:56-0400
P1-message-id: US*DIALCOM;0013595070407465600025
P1-recipient: /S=JESTER.C.C/O=WESTINGHOUSE/PRMD=WEMS/ADMD=DIALCOM/C=US/@x400-gate.Tymnet.COM,x400-gate-d@bullwinkle.Tymnet.COM
Hi all,

I was cleaning out my garage this holiday weekend and ran across a
good number of TR-6 parts I don't need.  The following is just a
partial list.  Please e-mail direct for specific requests.

Parts for sale:

Moss aluminum gas tank             250.00
Right outer rocker                  35.00
New frame w/ rolling chassis      inquire
Misc sheet metal                  inquire
Motors and trans                  inquire
Weber DGV conversion kit           400.00

Parts I need:

TR-4  Driver's rear fender
TR-4  Rear deck "H" section

Cars for sale:

     1974 Red/black hdtop OD         7200.00  - Fresh engine
     1974 Blue/black OD A/C          7500.00  - New top
     1974 Yellow/black OD hdtop 26K 12500.00  - Beautiful car


Chad Jester
--------------------------------------------------------------                             |
'74 TR-6 (4) Bitten by the british car bug BAD.               |
305/797-1544 (7-5 m-f)     305/427-0534 (H)                   |

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