I find this situation a lot in my parts buying for the race car. My
conclusion is that if you provide a web site for ebusiness, then attend to
it. If you do not then assure that the site has only telephone ontacts
listed. Most frustrating to order via ebusiness then have it ignored because
the business owner forgot to check his business. So take the site down if
you do not want the ebusiness or fix it so it is only a contact page,
please. PAss this along to Rick and others and let them know it is hurting
their business. As to Curt, I have never failed with him regarding
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Laifman" <SLaifman@SoCal.rr.com>
To: "Colin Mills" <colin.mills@bluewin.ch>
Cc: "Tiger List" <tigers@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: Sunbeam Specialties - The Answer
> Guys and Gals,
> I just got off the phone with Rick McLeod, and will pass on his
> comments. He has not seen the List postings.
> He can get his mail both at his home and business. Unfortunately some of
> the questions are quite extensive, and the answers are back at the shop.
> He is really not set up for web-site communications, or ordering - as
> you may have noticed. The lack of his ISP's reliability have made even
> e-mail difficult.
> This is a small operation and very labor intensive. He even gets
> complete orders via fax, and finds that the parts ordered are not all
> correct for the car being fixed.
> Rick would MUCH prefer a phone call (408) 371-1642 , rather than an
> e-mail. That way the order gets done correctly. (Yes, it would be a
> pain for Colin to call from Switzerland :-) ), but this is the breaks of
> the small business man with little to no help.
> He cares, but is really a one-man band in a complex, labor and
> information intensive business. Be kind to Rick and to Curt, at Classic
> Sunbeams 1-800-24-SUNBEAM . They are our Marques lifeline, and we have
> to take the bitter with the sweet.
> Thanks, guys, for being there when we need you
> Steve
> Colin Mills wrote:
> >Anyone ever had a problem with SS? I have e-mail twice in the last 10
> >days with no response. Maybe my order is too small to warrant any
> >interest.
> >Does anyone know of any other source for soft top anchor buttons and
> >studs?
> >Tks and rgds, Colin Mills
> >B9473407
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Steve Laifman
> Editor
> http://www.TigersUnited.com