Assuming you are asking about a concours critique for originality:
- Replace new coil with a period unit. You can find them on ebay.
- Wiper motor s/b black krinkle finish. You can buy this paint at a hard
ware store.
Plate covering wiper cable and the round switch s/b cad plated.
- Heater - cad plate the clips.
- Install a hydraulic clutch line. You will need this for changing gears.
- master cyl cap s/b metal.
- oil filler cap is not corrrect type. Look for one with indents like
the original gas cap.
- replace band type clamp witih wire clamps like you have on the
breather tube.
- Spark plug wires s/b cut to correct length and remove the rubber
boots. Find a set of original copper leads.
- battery cable s/b black.
- the metal plate attached to the solenoid holding the tach cable is not
original to a bugeye, but from a Mk II.
- tranny s/b engine color.
- you need an engine plate which can be sourced from Clark Spares in PA.
- get a side entry Lucas dizzy cap.
- try to find an original 7lb radiator cap.
- R View mirror. Hard to tell but that looks like it could be one from a
Mk II You want the one with thte glass held in place by clips.
All of these comments pertain to originality and are not meant to be
anything other than constructive criticism as you requested. The car
looks great. Send more pics as you progress.
jay fishbein
wallingford, ct
http://home.ix.netcom.com/~type79/ <http://home.ix.netcom.com/%7Etype79/>
Lester Ewing wrote:
> Ok,
> folks who wanted and received pics, please make any comments
> regarding what's wrong or could use improvement. I really do want a
> serious critique, other than the heater vent line which is all that I
> could find. I know that everyone was specific in their critique of
> the eBay or was it Barrett/Jackson car that went for $ 16k and I would
> like the same approach here.