> We found another problem, though. Now the oil pressure, ignition
>warning and brake light are on all the time when the car is off and the
>key is out. Normally they are only on just when you first crank the
>car. They all go out when the car is running.
Steve this does sound like a feed back problem as Peter suggested. If you
unplug the alternator with the ignition off and the dash lights go out this
would likely confirm the alternator as the culprit.
The possibility is that there is a loose connection causing this symptom. I
once had this happen with a Delco alternator in a Jeep. The positive output
from the diodes was not tightened sufficiently. On the Lucas however the
connection is not with a stud and nut but a push-on spade connector. I
would recheck the connections and it the problem remains then have the
alternator checked.
Fred Pixley
Napanee, Ontario, Canada