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Re: wish

To: "Larry Vaughan" <lvaughan@pldi.net>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: wish
From: "Livia Haasper" <wilivhaasper@sympatico.ca>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 21:50:04 -0400
we've completed a Spit and are now pouring money into the GT6. Not only do the
parts add up, the hours of
labour do even more.
And, the other day, when I needed a part for the GT6,I called on a person
someone recommended. Apparently he had a lot of parts for sale, cheaply. Not
$ 800 later we came home with a small box of parts in the boot of the Spit.
However, some of those parts were expensive ones, like a dual break master
cylinder and others.
So, the moral of the story is: When a nicely restored Spit comes up for sale
and the price tag is rather high, someone has put a lot of money and effort
into the car, and it's 'MAYBE' worth the money???

As for working hard... it's a hot muggy day here in Ottawa and I've spent
several 14 hours work days cleaning and painting the garage/work shop.
I've promised myself to clean up the mess after the body work was finished on
the GT6. I'm keeping my promise and can't wait to 'EVENTUALLY' park a freshly
painted Triumph in the clean garage...


----- Original Message -----
  From: Larry Vaughan
  To: spitfires@autox.team.net
  Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 6:47 PM
  Subject: wish

  I was on the computer, killing time, hoping it would cool down some, so I
  could go work in the metal building.

  I added up my paypal purchases, of Spitfire parts. That wasn't too bad -

  Then I dug out some receipts. BPNW - $1098.36. Pierce Manifold - $387.79.
  - 43.50.

  I know I've bought at least $200 worth of stuff from Joe and I gave Aaron
  for some Spax dampers.

  I bought the first Spitfire for $375 locally, then drove to Denver and
  one plus some extra goodies for $1000.

  I know I'm forgetting some stuff, not to mention supplies for working on
  Spitfire project.

  I wish I had bought one of those ridiculously priced Spitfires someone else
  had completed.

  Well it's down to 100 degrees now. I better go work on my pile of parts.


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