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Re: wish

To: "Livia Haasper" <wilivhaasper@sympatico.ca>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: wish
From: "Larry Vaughan" <lvaughan@pldi.net>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 21:59:58 -0500
Hey Liv,

 I like to vent now and then. The temp dropped to 90 and I shut the fan off
and welded in my frame patch. I sprayed weld through primer in the frame and
on the inside of the patch. The patch was about 2"x 5". I butt welded it so it
was flush with the rest of the frame. I will spray some more weld through
primer over it and on the inside of the plate that will weld to the front body
mount outrigger, that will overlap the patch!! Now and then it is fun!

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Livia Haasper
  To: Larry Vaughan ; spitfires@autox.team.net
  Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:50 PM
  Subject: Re: wish

  we've completed a Spit and are now pouring money into the GT6. Not only do
the parts add up, the hours of
  labour do even more.
  And, the other day, when I needed a part for the GT6,I called on a person
someone recommended. Apparently he had a lot of parts for sale, cheaply. Not
  $ 800 later we came home with a small box of parts in the boot of the Spit.
However, some of those parts were expensive ones, like a dual break master
cylinder and others.
  So, the moral of the story is: When a nicely restored Spit comes up for sale
and the price tag is rather high, someone has put a lot of money and effort
into the car, and it's 'MAYBE' worth the money???

  As for working hard... it's a hot muggy day here in Ottawa and I've spent
several 14 hours work days cleaning and painting the garage/work shop.
  I've promised myself to clean up the mess after the body work was finished
on the GT6. I'm keeping my promise and can't wait to 'EVENTUALLY' park a
freshly painted Triumph in the clean garage...


  ----- Original Message -----
    From: Larry Vaughan
    To: spitfires@autox.team.net
    Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 6:47 PM
    Subject: wish

    I was on the computer, killing time, hoping it would cool down some, so I
    could go work in the metal building.

    I added up my paypal purchases, of Spitfire parts. That wasn't too bad -

    Then I dug out some receipts. BPNW - $1098.36. Pierce Manifold - $387.79.
    - 43.50.

    I know I've bought at least $200 worth of stuff from Joe and I gave Aaron
    for some Spax dampers.

    I bought the first Spitfire for $375 locally, then drove to Denver and
    one plus some extra goodies for $1000.

    I know I'm forgetting some stuff, not to mention supplies for working on
    Spitfire project.

    I wish I had bought one of those ridiculously priced Spitfires someone
    had completed.

    Well it's down to 100 degrees now. I better go work on my pile of parts.


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