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We've returned from London-

To: triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: We've returned from London-
From: Barry Schwartz <bschwart@pacbell.net>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 17:04:20 -0700
Well we survived the trip!  London, Turkey, and several cities in Italy.  I
have to say some interesting cars around the globe.  I especially liked the
Smart car seemingly available everywhere.  Too bad it isn't available here
in the states as I would definitely have considered one, especially the
little convertible!  It sure would help the traffic (and fuel) situation if
the owners would trade in those large SUVs with only one or two people in
them that seem so prevalent around here for something like those.  Chrysler
seemed very popular as we saw PT cruisers in every city we visited, which
seemed doubly odd since we didn't see one in New York the couple of days we
were there.  Go figure!  Anyway, London was great.  Did all the touristy
stuff and sampled some tasty food and beverages in some of the local pubs.
Only had one bad meal, which was a hamburger and chips, which is not as
they are here, but simply a very salty, lumpy burger patty without a bun.
The chips were soggy, but I must add that most of the time the chips were
very good.  I have to say, and maybe its because I live in southern
California, but they smoke a LOT over there.  It seemed that everybody but
us were puffing away.  In several pubs my eyes were watering because of the
fog!  (Maybe that's what is referred to as the London fog) Especially
surprising, since cigarettes are very expensive in England!  Of course the
highlight of the trip was as we were siting in an UNO coffee shop, (as
popular as Starbucks around here) I saw a nice Laurel green TR6 stop and
turn right onto the main street as I sipped my coffee.  As we were leaving
to go to the train station on our last day, we also saw a yellow 1500
Spitfire parked on one of the side streets.  A nice way to top off
exceptional trip!  The only problem encountered was that unbeknown to us
was a single day tube strike.  This effectively made our prepaid three day
tube pass useless for that day.  Talk about chaos!  That made getting on a
city (double decker) bus a bit of a challenge. 
All in all an enjoyable trip, but I am glad to be home...  
Barry Schwartz (San Diego)
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