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Re: oil pressure light

To: "Stephane St-Amant" <steph71tr6@crosswinds.net>,
Subject: Re: oil pressure light
From: "Mike Ross" <mikeross@Prodigy.net>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 11:10:39 -0000

Per your question, "...I'd like the list opinion on keeping or ditching the
vacuum gauge?  Is it
worth keeping or is it worth the trouble of finding a spot for it?...",  I
wouldn't keep it.  I think your dash would look less cluttered, and I can't
think of a good reason to have one.

Mike Ross          http://pages.prodigy.net/mikeross
'63 Spitfire
'66 Spitfire
'69 GT6 convertible (project)
'70 GT6+ (green)
'70 GT6+ (maroon)

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