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Re: Triumphs on TV?

To: Spitfire 1500 <s1500@uswest.net>
Subject: Re: Triumphs on TV?
From: Trevor Boicey <tboicey@brit.ca>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 01:03:31 -0500
Spitfire 1500 wrote:
> I know this has probably been asked before....
> Were there any Triumph ads on TV in the late 70s, or 1980? I mean, the TR-8
> is just screaming for a commercial with a Gary Numan like tune playing in
> the background.

  Speedvision often mixes vintage commercials in with
real ones.

  I've seen some of the "shape of things to come" TR7
commercials, where the TR7s drive into wedge shaped
garages and such.

  Personally I think the appropriate 70s-80s tune
would be "I go to pieces".

Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada, tboicey@brit.ca
ICQ #17432933 http://www.brit.ca/~tboicey/
Now 10% more grizzled.

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